June 15, 2023

5 myths about student social media use

Recent research found that 97% of teens say they use the internet daily, compared with 92% of teens in 2014-15 who said the same. As we work with students and schools, we often hear myths about students’ social media and tech use. We’re here to help set the record straight. Students around the world are using social media and tech in positive ways. When we understand this, we can empower them even more to fuel their health, happiness, and success.

Myth 1: Social media is just for fun

For students, social media is more than watching TikToks, smashing a like button, and posting on Instagram. It’s a platform where students are able to develop new interests, stay informed, and connect with their peers and the world around them. In fact, social media can be a source of community for many. #BookTok is just one community buzzing on social media. The hashtag has more than 65 million views, where users around the platform share book recommendations and the joys of reading. This specific community on TikTok has created not only a source of entertainment, but educational and informative content for users – empowering them to create a community of people with similar interests.

Myth 2: Students don’t express themselves online 

At The Social Institute, one of our 7 Social Standards, Use Your Mic for Good, empowers students to speak up about what they are passionate about and express themselves online. On social media, students have the opportunity to speak up about topics they care about. They can join communities they are interested in. And they can take advantage of various opportunities that spark creativity. Speaking of communities, a Pew Research Study found that nearly two-thirds of teens have made a friend online, and 83% say that social media makes them feel better connected to friends. 

Myth 3: Fear is the best approach when equipping students 

We recently talked with our Student Ambassadors and they revealed that restricting students from social media can cause more harm than good. Without it, students miss out on the benefits of the platforms, such as connecting with future employers and internships, staying connected with friends, and keeping up to date on world events. A Harvard study found that 70% of teens actually describe their social media experiences as positive. Social media is a powerful tool that students can use. By empowering students to use social media in positive ways we help students live fuller lives. 

Myth 4: Social media is only for students 

Social media is here to stay. One of the best ways to understand social media from a student’s perspective is to use it yourself! You can use social media to learn new skills, connect with family and friends, and stay up-to-date on the world around you. For ways on how you can advance your career through social media, check out this informative webinar to learn actionable tips and best practices to help level up your own social media presence. 

Myth 5: Students don’t care about privacy 

Finally, many believe the myth that there is no privacy when it comes to students’ online presence. One of our 7 Social Standards, Protect Your Privacy Like You’re Famous, encourages students to stay in control of their personal information online such as passwords, photos, videos, and more. One powerful student campaign, Design it For Us, is a student-led initiative that calls on tech CEOs to support the California Age Appropriate Design Code, a bi-partisan bill in the California State Legislature. This bill, if passed, would require companies to focus on the safety and well-being of children on any digital service that children access. This is a powerful example of students using their mic for good and creating a positive change in their communities so that they can stay safe online and off. 

Amplifying student voice and navigating social media positively is a win-win in our book. Interested in learning more about student experiences on social media? Check out our blog to discover 10 things students wish you knew about social media. 

The Social Institute (TSI) is the leader in understanding student experiences and creator of #WinAtSocial, a gamified, online learning platform that equips students, educators, and families to navigate social experiences — online and offline — in healthy ways. Our unique, student-respected approach incorporates topics like social media, technology use, and current events that have a significant impact on student well-being. Lessons teach life skills for the modern day to inspire high-character decisions that support the health, happiness, and future success of students, while capturing data that provides insights to school leaders to inform school policy and communications, and enable high-impact teaching and a healthy learning environment. For schools, our turnkey technology allows for easy implementation and a comprehensive game plan to support the well-being of school communities. For schools, our turnkey technology allows for easy implementation and a comprehensive game plan to support the well-being of school communities.