“The Anxious Generation” Unpacked: Insights from a child psychologist and K-12 students about the book’s recommendations and best practices to navigate tech and social media positively


Welcome to Huddle Up, your go-to source for the top insights on how social media, tech, and current events shape student learning, well-being, and future success. In this episode, we huddle up with child psychologist Dr. Jessica Anderson and K-12 students about recommendations proposed in “The Anxious Generation” and best practices to navigate tech and social media positively.

“This great rewiring of childhood, I argue, is the single largest reason for the tidal wave of adolescent mental illness that began in the early 2010’s.” – Jonathan Haidt 

Jonathan Haidt’s “The Anxious Generation” is sparking global attention for its take on the role social media and technology play in students’ well-being. In response, Haidt proposes four essential pillars for cultivating a healthier childhood in the digital world, including initiatives like delaying social media access until the age of 16 and advocating for phone-free school environments.

These initiatives, while well-intentioned, could take years to implement and do not necessarily prepare students for joining the online world once they do get their first smartphone or activate their first social media account. After all, you don’t give the keys to the car to a 16-year-old without them first taking Driver’s Ed.

But what do students think about all of this? 

In our upcoming Huddle Up Episode, we lock arms with Dr. Jessica Anderson, a Child Psychologist, and TSI Student Ambassadors — Eleanor, Peter, Jolie, Kate, and Kennedy — to amplify student voices and bring them into the conversations that impact them the most. 

Huddle Up with us to discover:

  • What students think about Jonathan Haidt’s four initiatives for cultivating a healthier childhood as shown in The Anxious Generation.
  • How The Social Institute’s Seven Social Standards can empower and equip students to navigate social media and tech in positive ways, fueling them for their tech-fueled future. 
  • Insights into students’ experiences with technology and what they want educators, adults, and their role models to know.