Past Webinar | May 2, 2024
Schools often try to enhance school culture by monitoring data and conducting surveys, but there’s a more impactful approach. The more we huddle with students, the better we can understand their needs and views. And when students feel seen and understood, it becomes simpler to nurture a school environment built on empathy, inclusion, and respect.
So, how do we transition from over-monitoring and helicoptering to more meaningful and perspective-building moments?
Watch this webinar for a dynamic and insightful conversation with Dr. Sharon Hoover, Co-Director of the National Center for School Mental Health and the Director of the Center for Safe and Supportive Schools, and learn why focusing on student well-being is crucial for the upcoming school year. Dr. Hoover covers:
- Practical tips to improve student success and overall school culture by huddling
- Easy-to-use strategies for fostering a culture of well-being and openness
- The link between well-being and digital literacy, empowering students to navigate their online world positively
Featured Presenter
Sharon A. Hoover, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Co-Director of the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH), and Director of the Center for Safe Supportive Schools (NCS3). She currently leads national efforts to support states, districts and schools in the adoption of national performance standards of comprehensive school mental health systems ( Dr. Hoover has led and collaborated on multiple federal and state grants, with a commitment to the study and implementation of quality children’s mental health services in schools. Currently, she co-leads two large randomized trials of school mental health efforts, one focused on reducing exclusionary discipline practices by installing mental health and restorative practice approaches and one on improving school mental health services with best practices in family engagement, educator mental health literacy and modularized evidence-based clinical practices.