Family Huddles

Grade 9

Recognizing the science behind screen time and social media

TSI Standard: Strike a Balance

A study by the research firm Dscout found that humans tap, swipe, or scroll on their phones over 2,600 times per day. This lesson explores the science behind that number and shows students how to check their own screen time stats. Students will also dig into the effects that screen time has on our health, and exchange ideas for minimizing distractions and bolstering productivity.

Students are…

  • Staying up late to do homework on computers while responding to texts and snaps.
  • Aware of the Screen Time feature on devices, but have not explored it in much detail.
  • Eagerly awaiting their driving permit in the next 1-2 years.

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Continue the conversation at home…

  1. Did you know the type of light emitted by phones and tablets can hurt our sleep? Screens produce blue light, which has the strongest negative impact on sleep compared to any other form of light. Blue light is helpful during the day as it boosts energy. It also tells our bodies to slow down making melatonin, which is the hormone that controls our sleep cycle. When our bodies produce less melatonin naturally, it’s harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. Researchers have even identified late shift workers and night owls as two populations most susceptible to negative impacts of blue light on sleep. Given all of this, what are three ways as a family we can reduce our blue light exposure?

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Family Huddles Include: 

  • Three family discussion questions designed to spark deeper conversations and relate each lesson to family life beyond the classroom
  • Specific feelings, thoughts, and scenarios commonly experienced by students related to each topic
  • Related new articles and research studies that inform each lesson and provide real-world examples

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