The Social Institute’s story is often best told through the lens of our wide-ranging, diverse group of partners. We remain committed to serving every community’s specific needs. Our team works with each school to develop a custom, sustainable plan that works for them. These case studies explore how TSI adapts to help every partner – from the largest independent schools in the urban areas to small public middle schools in rural communities – fuel their students’ health, happiness, and future success.

Bowling Green Case Study Download Now

How Bowling Green Junior High School creates engaging learning environments through healthy tech habits and modern life skills

Bowling Green Independent Schools prepares students to be excellent citizens, employees, and future leaders, locally and globally. Throughout the district, students and employees are empowered to excel and achieve their highest potential, exemplifying the motto: “Excellence Is Worth The Effort.” BGISD is proud to be one of the most diverse school districts in Kentucky. The Junior High School has 976 students enrolled with more than 40 different languages spoken.


Issaquah School District Download Now

How Issaquah School District empowers 5,000 middle school students at the intersection of skill-building, learning, and well-being

Issaquah School District is known for educating the innovators, entrepreneurs, and civic leaders of tomorrow. Students in the district repeatedly score within the top five percent on state and national standardized tests, but Issaquah teachers aim for more — seeking to inspire passionate lifelong learners in a rapidly changing world. Issaquah runs #WinAtSocial Lessons across its 6th-8th grades district-wide to empower its students with positive character education related to technology and social media.

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How Havergal College empowers girls and their school community to be future-ready through #WinAtSocial

Havergal College is an independent day and boarding school for junior kindergarten through 12th-grade girls in Toronto, ON. Their mission is to prepare young women to make a difference and to take on an ever-changing world with confidence, resilience, and global-mindedness. Its supportive, stimulating environment gives students the future-ready skills they need to lead with purpose and thrive no matter what tomorrow brings. The school is focused on an approach that emphasizes “thriving today and leading tomorrow.”


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How Fellowship Christian enhances education through tech & equips students for a tech-fueled world that aligns with Christian values

Fellowship Christian School (FCS) is a private, covenant Christian school in Roswell, GA. As a Christian school, FCS fosters a culture of belief, belonging, and growth, rooted in a commitment to Jesus Christ. This case study examines how TSI’s peer-to-peer learning platform integrates into Fellowship Christian’s ‘Programming with Purpose’ framework, enabling students to align their use of social media and technology with their Christian beliefs.