June 2, 2023

TikTok’s new attention-grabbing trend: Sludge Content

Why watch one video on TikTok when you can watch two at the same time? For Gen Z with the shortest attention span on record, this new TikTok trend known as Sludge content, may not be a surprise. Instead of watching a single video, students are now consuming two different videos simultaneously. In the same way someone might watch a show on their computer but also have the news on their TV in the background, this trend is flooding students’ feeds. 

But why is consuming two videos at once a social media trend? And what do students think about it? Dive in to find out. 

Is Sludge content soothing or overstimulating? 

Well, it depends on who you ask. For some students, it’s actually quite calming. For others, the split screen of multiple videos gives them a headache and is too much.

Wait, so Sludge content is a form of content on TikTok that has multiple videos in one? 

In simple terms, yes. But Sludge content gets more complex than that. For starters, some videos have 5 different screens of videos playing at once, none of which are remotely related. Some of the most popular videos with this format feature clips from the sitcom Family Guy or the once-popular game Subway Surfers. Whether a video highlights ASMR or Peter Griffin, one thing is for sure – Sludge content is dominating TikTok right now. (Psst., ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response and is one of students’ favorite kinds of video or audio content.) 

Some people, everyday TikTok users, and experts alike argue that this form of content is meant to consume you, make you zone out, or even limit your attention span. 

Dive deeper

Studies have shown that Gen Z has the shortest attention span, with an average of 8 seconds. Some speculate that that’s the reason behind the rise in sludge content – which can captivate students’ attention span longer since they have different videos they can watch without having to scroll. Even brands, taking Tums as an example, are following suit and creating Sludge content. With TikTok having over 1 billion users on it, 60% of people on TikTok in the U.S. are between the ages of 16-24. Chances are, your students have come across Sludge content before.  

TSI’s Take

With the official name for Sludge content being so new, students might not even know that the kinds of videos they’re coming across are even called “Sludge content.” A more casual, “in the know”, way of explaining sludge content is talking about TikTok videos that have a split screen with two different videos going on at once. 

Your students may be coming across these videos on social media daily, but how can you help them navigate these kinds of content? Here are some tips to share with your students:

  1. Understand the purpose behind these videos: Sludge content has been said to be designed to capture your attention and keep you hooked for as long as possible. It’s essential to be aware of this intention and recognize when you’re possibly being manipulated by such content.
  2. Set limits: Take back the power of social media scrolling by setting limits on your screen time to balance your consumption of social media content. It’s important to strike a balance between entertainment and other activities like studying socializing, and your hobbies.
  3. Be mindful of emotional impact: While Sludge content is a very new trend, the impact of watching sludge content videos can negatively affect your emotions and mental well-being the same way overconsumption of content can. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious about consuming this content, take a step back from your device. You can hold your screen on any sludge content videos and click “not interested.”

If you’re looking to learn about the power educators have when it comes to setting positive examples on social media, we’ve got you covered. Check out our Playbook on The power of educators as social media influencers here!

Always stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest trends online by subscribing to our newsletter where we talk about trending tech and social media news weekly! In the meantime, check out our Instagram and TikTok @thesocialinst for tips, trends, and highlights when it comes to social media. 

The Social Institute (TSI) is the leader in understanding student experiences and creator of #WinAtSocial, a gamified, online learning platform that equips students, educators, and families to navigate social experiences — online and offline — in healthy ways. Our unique, student-respected approach incorporates topics like social media, technology use, and current events that have a significant impact on student well-being. Lessons teach life skills for the modern day to inspire high-character decisions that support the health, happiness, and future success of students, while capturing data that provides insights to school leaders to inform school policy and communications, and enable high-impact teaching and a healthy learning environment. For schools, our turnkey technology allows for easy implementation and a comprehensive game plan to support the well-being of school communities. For schools, our turnkey technology allows for easy implementation and a comprehensive game plan to support the well-being of school communities.