August 3, 2021

Student Influencer Program: Introducing Morgan Schaen

This summer, TSI launched our first-ever student influencer program where we highlight impressive students on our Instagram every #TakeoverTuesday. Each week, a different student is selected to be highlighted as a positive influence and inspiration to others.

We are excited to introduce Morgan Schaen as our very first student influencer. Morgan is a rising senior at American University where she plays on the women’s lacrosse team. She is also a coach for The Grassroots Project, a volunteer program that teaches middle school students in DC about nutritional health, mental health, and sexual health. Morgan is also a campus captain for The Hidden Opponent, a non-profit advocacy group that raises awareness for athlete mental health on college campuses across the country.

Morgan Schaen - The Social Institute Student Influencer Program

Recently, we had the chance to interview Morgan to learn more about her. Here’s what she had to say:

What do you value about yourself or others?

Morgan: What I value most in others is the ability to stay positive. It is all too easy to let life knock us down, but a strong support system filled with positivity and hope can make all the difference in life. I feel so fortunate to have such a great group of friends and teammates who lift me up every single day.

What are your personal goals?

Morgan: Some of my personal goals have changed over the past year or so, which is part of life! One goal of mine this coming semester is to balance my academics and social life better than in the past. I can tend to crawl into a shell when I am feeling stressed and am very much an introvert, but I know surrounding myself with people is so important for social and emotional health, and that is one thing I hope to do a better job of this fall!

How do you expect to feel as you go back to school this fall?

Morgan: I am beyond excited to head back to in-person classes this fall. While I was still on campus every day this past spring because of lacrosse, I have missed the in-class atmosphere, meeting face to face with my professors, and seeing a busy campus filled with students!

What are the things you try to accomplish each day?

Morgan: I love to stay in a routine, so the things I try to accomplish every day typically remain the same! I try to work out every morning and head to PT to work on getting stronger. Journaling is another thing I do every night before bed. It helps me relax and rewind, especially at the end of a busy day. I also try and get some reading in every day and put my phone away for at least 30 minutes during this time to un-plug!

What or who inspires you most?

Morgan: I am inspired the most by my teammates. We push ourselves to our limits physically when we train and seeing how everyone supports each other and remains so positive no matter what inspires me to be the best version of myself.

How has social media acted as a positive influence on your life?

Morgan: Social media has introduced me to many “self-care” accounts that post inspirational and positive quotes that I look at every day! Social media has also allowed me to connect with people and remain in touch with friends and family who I do not get to see every day.

Of our Seven Social standards, which one would you most resonate with and why?

Morgan: I resonate most with the “Handle the Pressure” Social Standard. I believe it is so important to recognize different pressures and emotions we may feel and find positive ways to address and respond to these pressures. Everyone reacts differently to stressors and anxiety triggers, so it is important to understand your body, and what makes you feel good and the best version of yourself.

If you could go back and talk to your younger self, what advice would you give to him/her about navigating social media or social relationships?

Morgan: If I could give my younger self advice, I would tell myself that social media isn’t always the truth. So many posts we see on Instagram and Snapchat are just part of the story. It is easy to feel self-conscious about yourself, feel jealous, or have “FOMO” based on what we see on the internet, but it is important to understand that social media can be a productive and powerful tool, not just a place to compare yourself to others.

We were so impressed with Morgan and can not wait to continue to follow her journey as she makes an impact with The Grassroots Project and The Hidden Opponent. If you know a student who is accomplishing great things, let us know! We love sharing impressive students with the world. Contact us here.

About The Social Institute

The Social Institute partners with schools nationwide to empower students, families, and educators to positively navigate social-emotional health, social media, and technology. Schools access our student-respected, turnkey curriculum through, an interactive, gamified learning platform. With solutions for students, parents, and educators, we offer a systemic and comprehensive SEL program through a unique and positive approach. We are proud to serve public and independent partners such as Ravenscroft School, Woodward Academy, Oldfields School, All Saints Episcopal School, Lake Forest School District, Boston Public Schools, and more. For more information on how to empower your students to make high-character decisions online and off, please contact us.