March 15, 2018
Self-reflecting, networking, and sharing ideas: Social Media Coach Sean Kelly on the 2018 NAIS annual conference
What an amazing first experience at #NAISAC!
I was initially anxious about how many people would stop by The Social Institute’s booth, but on the first morning, we talked to so many wonderful educators who were sincerely interested in the work we are doing. This trend continued across both days at NAIS, and it felt as if there was almost always someone who we had the chance to talk to about our work. There is something special about so many educators who truly care about their students in one place.
I especially appreciated the opportunity to listen to Adam Grant speak about being a “Giver” versus being a “Taker.” His ideas are applicable to a multitude of professions and experiences. I also enjoyed interesting dialogue with my colleagues about how we identified ourselves, and how important it is to recognize these traits in others. Adam’s talk led to a great opportunity for self-reflection.
The highlight of the conference for me and The Social Institute was definitely the opportunity to co-present with Ravenscroft School on the future of social media education. Considering we were one of the last presentations at the conference on a cold, raining afternoon, we were impressed by how many people attended and engaged in our talk.
It was a strong finish to an amazing few days, and we are already discussing #NAISAC 2019!