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School Playbook | School Leaders Guide to Creating Clear A.I. Policies With Student Voice & Buy-In

Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is no longer a futuristic concept. It’s here, it goes beyond academic integrity, and it’s shaping education at every level. Yet, in our conversations with school leaders and students, we’ve found that schools either lack clear A.I. policies or enforce them inconsistently, leaving students uncertain about what’s allowed. Develop A.I. policies that equip students, educators, and families with the tools to navigate technology in positive, high-character ways. 

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The Educator’s Guide to Cell Phone Policies and Student Buy-in

As schools and districts begin to implement school-wide cell phone bans, students might not understand why their schools are making these decisions. This can lead to frustrations for students who find creative ways to sneak in their devices. Meanwhile, educators are trying to align classroom enforcement of tech policies with new school-wide bans. Download this educator’s guide for implementing cell phone policies so that educators, families, and students are all bought in. 

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Family Standards Agreement – Rookie, Varsity, Pro Edition

With 91% of students having a smartphone by age 14, families are looking to huddle with their children about navigating tech in positive, high-character ways (Child Mind Institute). By easing them into technology —think Rookie, Varsity, Pro — we can prepare students to develop healthy habits for navigating social media and tech. Download this Family Standards Agreement to help your students manage their relationship with tech.